Pass mark 75% from twenty randomly chosen questions.



#1. Class C airspace is mostly found in the UK at or above...

#2. What is the minimum visibility for flight outside controlled airspace, below 3000 feet by an NPPL holder in a microlight aircraft?

VFR minima

For operations in class G airspace the legal VFR minima allow flight in potentially very poor conditions. Clear of cloud, visibility of 1500 m and in sight of the surface is all that is required if below 3000 ft AMSL and flying at less than 140 kts.

The limiting factor is usually cloud rather than in-flight visibility – in conditions approaching 1500 m visibility, the cloud ceiling  would likely mean flying dangerously low.

The legal minima are not a good reference point for decision making because safe VFR flight normally ceases to be possible long before the visibility is that poor. They are limits, not targets!


#3. In order to apply for an NPPL Microlights without Operational Limitations, how much flight training must be completed?

#4. A yellow cross on an aerodrome surface indicates

#5. To act as pilot in command of an aircraft and carry passengers (who are not qualified pilots), a private pilot must complete three take offs and landings...

#6. A white T placed on the left side of a runway indicates

#7. 14. What is the meaning of the abbreviation "VMC"?

#8. On approach to a runway, without ATC instructions, which aircraft has right of way?

#9. A red pyrotechnic or flare fired from an aircraft to an aerodrome means

#10. With regards to the medical requirements for solo students and NPPL holders, which statement is true?

#11. How many hours must an NPPL (M) holder complete during each period of validity in order to revalidate their licence by experience?

#12. Which colour is AvGas equipment usually marked?

#13. To avoid wake turbulence from a large aircraft that has just taken off, a pilot should land

#14. A flashing red light from an ATC tower to an aircraft in flight means

#15. The stub or pan handle on a MATZ has which horizontal definitions?

#16. A MATZ can sometimes have a 'stub' or 'panhandle' which has vertical definitions of...

#17. The Air Navigation Order (ANO) defines a microlight. Which of the following limitations is correct?

#18. Class B Airspace is...

#19. When on the ground, an ATC unit shines an intermittent green beam. What does this mean?

#20. What are the minimum visibility requirements for an NPPL with Operational Limitations holder when operating VFR at a speed less than 140KIAS, outside of controlled airspace and below 3,000ft AMSL?

The holder of an NPPL with Operational Limitations must at all times have a forward visibility of 10km
