Pass mark 75% from twenty randomly chosen questions.



#1. An aircraft overtaking another in flight must keep the slower aircraft on its...

#2. What is the minimum in-flight forward visibility required for an aircraft operating outside of controlled airspace, below 140KIAS, VFR, below 3,000ft AMSL?

Class G exception: In UK class G airspace the 5 km requirement may be reduced to 1,500 m, if flying by day, in sight of the surface and at 140 kts IAS

#3. A red pyrotechnic or flare fired from an aircraft to an aerodrome means

#4. With regards to flying abroad with the NPPL, which of the following statements is true?

#5. If an aircraft does not meet ICAO airworthiness standards, and the Certificate of Airworthiness is endorsed indicating so, can the aircraft be flown internationally?

#6. An aircraft overtaking another aircraft in flight must

#7. What are the minimum visibility requirements for an NPPL with Operational Limitations holder when operating VFR at a speed less than 140KIAS, outside of controlled airspace and below 3,000ft AMSL?

The holder of an NPPL with Operational Limitations must at all times have a forward visibility of 10km

#8. The Air Navigation Order (ANO) defines a microlight. Which of the following limitations is correct?

#9. The NPPL (M) syllabus contains a requirement for a solo qualifying cross country flight. Which option best describes that the minimum requirements for the flight?

#10. In the absence of specific ATC procedures or instructions, the maximum speed limit below FL100 is

#11. A light aircraft departing behind a heavy aircraft, from the beginning of the runway, should wait how long for wake turbulence to clear?

#12. You are waiting to depart at the holding point near the runway. A microlight lands on the runway as you wait. Which action should you take with regards to wake turbulence?

#13. A flashing red light from an ATC tower to an aircraft in flight means

#14. How often must an NPPL (M) be revalidated?

#15. When does the duration of the period of an initial general medical examination begin?

#16. What is the radio frequency for distress and diversion?

#17. For the purposes of wake turbulence separation, a light aircraft following a heavy aircraft on final approach must be separated by a minimum of

#18. What is the minimum visibility for flight outside controlled airspace, below 3000 feet by an NPPL holder in a microlight aircraft?

VFR minima

For operations in class G airspace the legal VFR minima allow flight in potentially very poor conditions. Clear of cloud, visibility of 1500 m and in sight of the surface is all that is required if below 3000 ft AMSL and flying at less than 140 kts.

The limiting factor is usually cloud rather than in-flight visibility – in conditions approaching 1500 m visibility, the cloud ceiling  would likely mean flying dangerously low.

The legal minima are not a good reference point for decision making because safe VFR flight normally ceases to be possible long before the visibility is that poor. They are limits, not targets!


#19. An aerodrome with a runway length greater than 1,850m has an ATZ height of...

#20. White Aeronautical Information Circulars (AICs) refer to...
