

#1. During long flights, it is important to drink fluids without caffeine regularly. This is to prevent the onset of which condition?

#2. The human eye will take up to ___ minutes to adjust fully to night

#3. The process of identifying potential threats and taking actions to minimise them is referred to as...

#4. Which mnemonic should be used to check that you are fit to fly?








#5. How long does it take the human body to dispose of one unit of alcohol?

#6. An important factor to remember with regard to stress factors is:

#7. When performing a thorough lookout, what is the best method for spotting other aircraft?

#8. Where the holder is under 40 years old, a class one medical must be renewed

#9. What does the I stand for in IMSAFE?


Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Eat

#10. The recommended maximum weekly intake of alcohol is:

#11. Ergonomics are associated with

#12. A pilot suffering from stress is

#13. To see something best at night, a pilot should

#14. Which method is most suitable for treating a burn to the skin?

#15. What does E stand for in IMSAFE?


Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Eat

#16. A healthy person should not experience hypoxic effects below:

#17. What is the black hole effect?

#18. When attending to an occupant of a crashed aircraft, which action should you take immediately?

#19. Several experienced pilots are intending to fly-out on a cross country. As a new pilot, they encourage you to follow them in your own aircraft, but you feel that the forecast crosswind at the destination aerodrome will be very challenging for you. This hazardous situation is referred to as....

#20. Flying in an open-cockpit during winter without protective clothing could result in which medical condition?
