Meteorology – practice test

Pass mark 75% from twenty randomly chosen questions.



#1. What will normally happen to the surface wind direction following the passage of a warm front?

#2. How do air density and flight performance change with decreasing temperature (at constant pressure)?

#3. Calculate the cloud base of convection cloud given the following information: Surface temperature: 18°C; ELR: 4°C; Dew point: 12°C. Enter your answer in the box below in the following format: 0000ft

#4. Virga means:

#5. An altimeter is set to zero before the aircraft is parked overnight. The next day, the altimeter reads +60ft. Which of the following statements is correct?

1hPa = change of about 30 ft

Pressure dropped during the night, “fooling” the altimeter into thinking it was 2×30 feet higher, since there was a drop of 2hPa .

#6. The observed temperature at the surface is +16°C and at 4000 feet the temperature is +11°C. The state of the atmosphere can be described as:

#7. A trough of low pressure on a surface pressure chart is an area of

#8. If flying on a hazy afternoon in Britain, in which direction will visibility be greatest?

#9. Clear ice occurs when:

#10. When an unstable air mass is forced to rise due to orographic lifting, it will produce:

#11. In the ISA, what is the atmospheric pressure at sea level?

#12. What does "CB" refer to on a weather report?

#13. Hail is most likely to be produced by:

#14. Review the excerpt from a UK Low-level spot wind chart (F214). At 2,000ft, which wind direction and strength can you expect in the point marked by an X?

The four columns in the F214 are: Flight level, wind direction, strength, and temperature.

The area to the north of the location marked with a blue X shows the wind at 2000 feet to be 230° at 15kt. The area to the south of the location shows wind at 2000 feet to be 290° at 5kt.

One can take an average of the two readings, where you could expect the wind to be halfway between 230 and 290 which is 260, and the wind halfway between 15kt and 5kt, so 10kt.

#15. For saturated air, the lapse rate is _______________ ; this is called the Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR)

#16. The atmospheric situation where temperature increases with height is called a(n):

#17. In a mountainous area, with the presence of a Fohn wind, one can expect ....conditions on the lee side of the mountains.

#18. The sea breeze will normally be felt in the mid latitudes up to .....

#19. What is indicated by -RA on a METAR or TAF?

#20. Which force causes wind?
