Pass mark 75% from 25 questions chosen randomly from a pool.



#1. Which of the following statements is correct?

#2. Bernoulli's equation for frictionless, incompressible gases states that...

#3. What is the weight of one litre of unleaded petrol? ("Mogas")

The specific gravity of petrol, and avgas, is 0.72, which means that 1 litre weighs 0.72kg

The specific gravity of water is 1, which is why 1 litre of water conveniently weighs 1kg

#4. Carburettor icing is most likely to occur at which throttle settings?

#5. Which type of drag is directly connected to lift-generation on an aerofoil?

#6. What is defined as the optimum angle of attack?

#7. Which of the following is not the result of an excessively aft centre of gravity?

#8. Which curve represents the parasite drag?

#9. If the temperature and pressure remain constant, an increase in humidity will cause density to:

#10. Which of the following factors, if any, does not accelerate corrosion? 1. Operating the aircraft in a coastal environment. 2. Transporting the aircraft via an open trailer in the winter. 3. Damage to the surface paint. 4. Not washing the aircraft leading to a build-up of mud and soil.

#11. Where will the fuel filter be found in the fuel system?

#12. What secondary effect is observed with most three axis microlights after rolling the aircraft with ailerons?

#13. Cracks in the propeller are

#14. If indicated airspeed (IAS) is kept constant whilst climbing, how will the true airspeed (TAS) change?

#15. If airspeed is doubled, parasite drag will ... by a factor of ...

#16. The point at which all lift is said to act is known as the...

#17. An aircraft in a climb will travel further over the ground per 1,000ft height gain with

#18. High wing aircraft tend to have less dihedral in the wings then low wing aircraft. Why is this?

#19. Which type of extinguisher would be suitable for an oil puddle fire?

#20. What problem could occur by leaving a piston engine running at idle RPM for excessive periods?
