The Navigation exam must be completed in two hours and contains 20 multiple choice questions. The pass mark is 75%.

Note: For this exam you will require the following flight planning equipment:

  • 1:500,000 Southern England Chart
  • Ruler (Scale Ruler preferred)
  • Marker Pens or Chinagraph pencil
  • Square Protractor
  • Compass and dividers

You plan to conduct a VFR flight. Route from Bournemouth (N504648 W0015034) via overhead Romsey to Farnborough (N511631 W0004639)

Required resources for the exam (opens in new window):

  1. Bournemouth airport (info)
  2. Bournemouth airport (chart)
  3. Farnborough airport (info)
  4. Farnborough airport (chart)
  5. Flight Planning Sheet

Note: When this test was published, variation was 2 degrees West. If you are using a later chart, the variation may have changed.



#1. The 1:500,000 aeronautical chart depicts airspace up to...

#2. Parallels of latitude run across the earth at one degree intervals parallel to the equator ranging from 0° to ... north or south.

#3. How should a pilot check their chart is up to date?

#4. What is the elevation of Bournemouth aerodrome? (refer to the AIP link)

#5. What is the width of runway 26 at Bournemouth?

#6. Romsey is...

#7. Approximately 11nm along your first leg, you see an airfield on your left. You identify this airfield as...

#8. Your flight takes you through

#9. What is your calculated total time en-route?

#10. What is the magnetic heading of your leg between Romsey and Farnborough?

#11. On arrival at Farnborough, you record a surface wind of 270/10 from ATIS. On which runway can you expect to land?

#12. What is the magnetic heading of Runway 06 at Farnborough?

#13. A pilot is approaching their destination with his altimeter set to the local QNH. The pilot wishes to change the altimeter to the aerodrome QFE prior to landing. If they are unable to determine an accurate QFE via radio, the pilot should...

#14. In order to follow noise abatement routes at Bournemouth aerodrome, propellor driven aircraft with a MTWA of less than 5700Kg should not turn after take off...

#15. Where a QNH is not readily available, a pilot departing an airfield should set their altimeter to

#16. What is the weight of one litre of unleaded fuel?

#17. What is 1670lbs converted to Kg?

#18. How many Kg are there in 10 stone?

#19. What is the length of the runways at Farnborough?

#20. Are customs facilities available at Farnborough?
